Proterium® is part of GMD Metal Coating.
What is Proterium®?
Proterium® is a metalization with aluminum and has ideal characteristics for large scale, industral use. One single layer of Proterium® protects optimal against corrosion – according to ISO 12944-9 on C5-level 25 years or more. With two layers you will even achieve CX-level for offshore-purposes. Other systems (traditional coatings) need three to even five layers to reach similar results.
Advantages Proterium®
Twentyfive years life time cycle | at a layer thickness of 200 mµ – equal to C5 VH (one layer).
Efficiency regarding man-hours, time, material and logistics.
Cathodic principle: the metalization (anode) sacrifices itself (substrate remains intact) and has a self-repair ability
The base-color is grey, but any top-coating color is possible, if nessecary.
The application of Proterium® is done with conventional equipment, no high investments needed, like with TSA or Powder Coating
In difference to TSA (Thermal Spray Aluminum) is the application of Proterium cold. ‘Cold’ means lower than 30 °C (TSA is applicated at 500 °C)
Much more durable in comparison with other (metal-)coatings; low VOC and een low particle release (7,5 mU p/a)
Industries & Consultancy
Proterium® is applicable in virtually any business and sector, both onshore ánd offshore:
• Construction (installations and (new-)build)
• Transport sector (Land, Water and Air)
• Offshore & maritime (Platforms, Tubes, Turbines etc.)
• Mining and Agri (yellow goods sector)
In combination with other GMD-products is Proterium able to perform in decorative (outdoor) needs, as well. The Roofing and Facades could be an example.
Tested by Element
Proterium® has been in several physical tests at Element Materials Technology – to be sure the product meets the highest industrial levels and norms. The Element-test at CX-level, acoording to ISO 12944-9, is succesfully achieved. However testing goes on: the Element-test for ISO 19277 CUI (corrosion under insulation) is pending. Want to know more, please don’t hesitate and get in touch. Please contact us

The name says it all: Proterium is a compound of the word protection and the Latin word metallicum (metal).